Dialogue N°68

Dialogue N°68 N°68 – July 2023Focus :  Brazil during the pandemic: Measuring the “Bolsonaro effect” and comparative political economy of health crisis management by Brazil and MexicoMireille Razafindrakoto et François Roubaud See all dialogues

Call for papers Workshop on “The economics of social norms. Measuring and transforming social norms, evidence from developing countries” December 18-19, Paris

Call for papers Workshop on “The economics of social norms. Measuring and transforming social norms, evidence from developing countries” December 18-19, Paris Format: Université Paris-Dauphine will host the workshop on-site. It will consist of thematic plenary sessions with 30-minute presentations followed by 10 minutes for questions. Papers submission and participation: PhD students, junior and senior researchers are… Continue reading Call for papers Workshop on “The economics of social norms. Measuring and transforming social norms, evidence from developing countries” December 18-19, Paris

Categorized as Research

New Publication : Statistical Journal of the IAOS – Volume 39, issue 2, pp.289-418

Statistical Journal of the IAOS – Volume 39, issue 2, pp.289-418 Central Theme : Statistics on Governance, Peace and Security   Edited by Thomas Calvo, Jean-Pierre Cling, Mireille Razafindrakoto, François Roubaud, Arouna Sougané

Working Paper N°2023-05 : The Many Channels of Firm’s Adjustment to Energy Shocks: Evidence from France

Publication The Many Channels of Firm’s Adjustment to Energy Shocks: Evidence from France Lionel Fontagné, Philippe Martin, Gianluca Orefice Working Paper N°2023-05 Learn More

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Working Paper N°2023-03 : Reaching out to socially distant trainees. Experimental evidence from variations on the standard farmer trainer system.

Publication Reaching out to socially distant trainees. Experimental evidence from variations on the standard farmer trainer system. Olivia Bertelli, Fatou Fall Working Paper N°2023-03 Learn More

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Dialogue N°67

Dialogue N°67 N°67 – April 2023 Focus : Migration in SubSaharan Africa, do information campaigns change migratory aspirations and behaviours? Flore Gubert, Sandrine Mesplé-Somps and Björn Nilsson See all dialogues

Working Paper N°2023-02 : With a Little Help from My Friends? Surviving the Lockdown Using Social Networks in Rural South India

Publication With a Little Help from My Friends? Surviving the Lockdown Using Social Networks in Rural South India Isabelle Guérin, Cécile Mouchel, Christophe Jalil Nordman Working Paper N°2023-02 Learn More

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Working Paper N°2023-01 : Measuring insecurity-related experiences and preferences in a fragile State. A list experiment in Mali.

Publication Measuring insecurity-related experiences and preferences in a fragile State. A list experiment in Mali. Olivia Bertelli, Thomas Calvo, Emmanuelle Lavallée, Marion Mercier, Sandrine Mesplé-Somps Working Paper N°2023-01 Learn More

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Dialogue N°66

Dialogue N°66 N°66 – December 2022 Focus : Surviving the lockdown using social networks in rural South India Cécile Mouchel et Christophe Jalil Nordman See all dialogues

Working Paper N°2022-07: Rainy days and learning outcomes: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

Publication Rainy days and learning outcomes: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Yasmine Bekkouche, Kenneth Houngbedji, Oswald Koussihouede Working Paper N°2022-07 Learn More

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