
This newsletter presents current research and studies which contribute to the general development debate.

N°73 - July 2024
Tribute: Granting equal access to information: experimental evidence from Uganda

N°72 - May 2024
Tribute: Xavier Oudin (1955-2024)

N°71 - March 2024
Immigration and crime: empirical results and theoretical mechanisms

N°70 - December 2023
An anatomy of state aid to businesses in France

N°69 - October 2023
Women's work, autonomy and social norms

N°68 - July 2023
Brazil during the pandemic: Measuring the “Bolsonaro effect” and comparative political economy of health crisis management by Brazil and Mexico

N°67 - April 2023
Migration in SubSaharan Africa, do information campaigns change migratory aspirations and behaviours?

N°66 - December 2022
Surviving the lockdown using social networks in rural South India

N°65 - October 2022
Impact assessment of a drinking water supply project in Kinshasa

N°64 - March 2022
Government revenue in Africa from Colonial Times to Present: Evidence from Former French Colonies

N°63 - January 2022
Forest management plans and the living conditions of populations in the forests of Central Africa

N°62 - September 2021
French Trade in the 18th Century: Inflation and Revolution

N°61 - May 2021
The Debt Distress of African States: A Sense of Déjà Vu

N°60 - March 2021
Fighting poverty during a pandemic: what can be expected from social experiments?

N°59 - November 2020 
Examining Forest Management and Deforestation in SubSaharan Africa

N°58- July 2020 
Migration processes and social and political dynamics in the Kayes Region, Mali: New insights into new trends

N°57 - April 2020
Measurement and observation of gender-based violence and conflict-related violence in developing countries

N°56 - January 2020
Do conflicts have an impact on social capital? The experience of Mali

N°55 - October 2019
Petty corruption in West African cross-border trade: what explains its prevalence and its persistence?

N°54 - July 2019
Leveraging Mali’s return migrants to roll back Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

N°53 - April 2019
Coming back to TOFLIT18

N°52 - January 2019
Pay-for-performance for health providers: does it improve health outcomes? 

N°51 - October 2018
The puzzle of Madagascar’s economic collapse through the lens of social sciences.

N°50 - July 2018
Present and forthcoming migration research at DIAL

N°49 - March 2018
Are migrants instrumental in political change in Africa?

N°48 - December 2017
Demonetisation in India: Social networks as a safety net, but not for all? 

N°47 - September 2017
Worldwide poverty reduction policies – lessons from the NOPOOR programme

N°46 - April 2017
Measuring individual levels of consumption: a challenge for economic theory and data collection

N°45 - January 2017
Studying rural poverty dynamics: feedback on the rural observatories in Madagascar

N°44 - October 2016
Aspirations matter in the exclusion of Peruvian indigenous children

N°43 - July 2016 
Historical Analysis of France’s Foreign Trade - The TOFLIT18 Project

N°42 - April 2016 
Analysis of international migration and its impacts on the countries of origin – spotlight on three original approaches

N°41 - October 2015
Are free trade zones a development model? 

N°40 - April 2015
Youth employment in developing countries 

N°39- October 2014
Arab integration – what role can labour mobility play? 

N°38 - April 2014
Post-earthquake living conditions in Haiti: a much-needed diagnosis 

N°37 - October 2013
The impacts of the debt relief initiatives 

N°36 - April 2013
Social networks and jobs in developing countries 

N°35 - October 2012
Using statistics to study Sub-Saharan African migration and its impacts 

N°34 - April 2012
Democratic governance in the developing countries: DIAL, six years later  

N°33 - October 2011
Impact evaluations in Sub-Saharan Africa: where are all the African researchers? 

N°32 - April 2011
Mobile banking an microfinance in the developing countries 

N°31 - October 2010
An original approach in development economics: 20 years of work on measuring and analysing the informal economy in the developing countries

N°30 - April 2010
DIAL and Madagascar: a long history 

N°29 - October 2008
Vietnam’s Terms of Accession and the Distributional Impact of WTO Membership 

N°28 - March 2008
Aid and Reform in Fragile States 

N°27 - July 2007
Youth Employment in Africa 

N°26 - January 2007
Dynamics of Rural Poverty in Madagascar 

N°25 - July 2006
The Urban Labour Market and the Informal Sector in French-Speaking Africa: Is Education Still Profitable? 

N°24 - January 2006
GOVERNANCE, DEMOCRACY AND POVERTY REDUCTION: Lessons drawn from household surveys in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America 

N°23 - June 2005
A Critique of the “Selectivity Principle” in Aid Allocation 

N°22 - December 2004
Measuring Living Standards and Inequalities: Do the Surveys give the real Picture? 

N°21 - June 2004
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Dakar and Lomé 

N°20 - December 2003
Spatial Poverty Traps 

N°19 - June 2003
The Impact of Emigration on the Source Countries: Current State of Research 

N°18 - December 2002
Colonisation and Institutions 

N°17 - June 2002
The AIDS epidemic in the world and in Africa 

N°16 - December 2001
The future of Export Processing Zones as an instrument for insertion into the global economy 

N°15 - June 2001
Urban poverty dynamics in West Africa over a long period 

N°14 - December 2000
« TRADE BLOCS » A new approach to trade blocs 

N°13 - June 2000
Below the market:The Poor. Review of the first draft of the report « Attacking Poverty »  

N°12 - December 1999
I. Towards New Trade Relations between the European Union and ACP Countries
II. The Free Trade Agreement Between the European Union and South Africa 

N°11 - June 1999
I. From Multilateral Debt Reduction to Debt Write-Offs for the Poorest Countries
II. In Favour of Taking Sanitary Conditions into Account When Analyzing Development : Illustration Based on the Case of Madagascar 

N°10 - December 1998
I. Economic Growth, Inequalities and Poverty in Developing Countries
II. Selectivity : Where Are the Guidelines ? 

N°9 - June 1998

N°8 - December 1997

N°7 - June 1997

N°6 - December 1996

N°5 - June 1996

N°4 - December 1995

N°3 - June 1995

N°2 - December 1994

N°1 - June 1994